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Mass Invasion from the South

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:50 pm
by JustAGuy
So the news had today an article about a thousand people from central America being granted access across Mexico to invade The United States of America. Keep an eye out. They are supposed to be trying to get across the border today. :evil: ... ls-into-us

Re: Mass Invasion from the South

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:34 pm
by MexAdmin
Trump is deploying the military to protect our southern border. Trump actually wears pants, unlike the last guy that was in the office.

Re: Mass Invasion from the South

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 11:50 pm
by JustAGuy
Yes, apparently they are coming out of Texas and Arizona. New Mexico must be a liberal state. It hasn't step up to the plate yet for deployment.

Re: Mass Invasion from the South

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 11:48 pm
by MexAdmin
Look like the mass invasion is a fart in the wind.